Hey y'all it has been quite a long time since making a post on here, about three months in fact! What can I say besides life gets in the way and sometimes that comes first. I love to be open on here, so maybe I'll share more in a future post. For now, let's move on to...buying fake designer bags online! If you search on google for fake bags you'll have a lot of luck, if you know how to look that is. In this post I'll be sharing the faux Neverfulls that I own, how I found them, and the pros and cons of ordering these bags online!

How To Find A Reputable Seller
Finding a good bag online can honestly be draining! You want to make sure you're not wasting your money on a bag that won't look anything like the original, or worse, a bag not arriving at all! Now, if you want to skip this whole section and just go ahead and click the links I provided for you (all links are to lookalikes right now because of new policies) that's fine! But I want to provide info for those of you who want to do your own research for other bags!
You're going to google Women's Handbags and Wallets and the thing is, you won't actually be using the designer's brand name when searching. If you know the name of the bag you want (in this case: Neverfull) you want to search that next to things like "dupe" "monogram" "tote" "1:1" Those are the terms that showed the most results during my research.
The first thing you want to look for is a bag with either the "Louis Vuitton" icons on the bag (on the checkered bags it will be written out, in the monogram bags it will have the LVs). These will either be shown on the photos as a traditional LV bag, or more than likely they will be blurred out or there will be text on the photo indicating that the bag will be in the original pattern. This is typically a great way to tell that you'll be getting a great duplicate bag. 
Next thing is REVIEWS! This is an obvious one, but so many people either don't check the reviews or the bags don't have any reviews at all. Bad reviews and no reviews are big red flags. You want something reliable! Never order a fake bag unless it has 4 or 5 stars! The best bags are the ones who have multiple reviews with photos.
If you find a bag with good reviews and a good price, go for it!
The best of these fake bags truly look almost identical to the designer bags!! It's almost crazy to me that they can look this good. My best bag I ordered is my monogram tote It looks, feels, and even smelled just like the original.
Texture & Stitching The Louis Vuitton leather is pebbled and has a distinct feel to it, and these bags feel almost identical. But on bad fakes, this could easily be overlooked. Another thing often overlooked? The stitching. Poor stitching is very common and can show up as either fraying, or uneven patterns/lines. The stitching on real LV bags are more of a mustard color and a lot of these faux bags will have a brighter yellow thread instead, so watch out for this as well. Small Details Many fake bags online miss the small details! My bags all have the tiny LV icons and detailing, and my white bag even has a fake serial number. My brown bag came with a beautiful dust bag (actually pictured with the white bag above!) and a small Louis Vuitton booklet as well. Colors The coloring is another easy thing to get wrong. Typically in a good fake you'll have a great color on the main canvas, but other colors that can be off are on the stitching, the inside and the red lining. If it's a bad fake you'll notice the color is off right away! Marks/Scuffs If the bags don't come well packaged, they're decently easy to scuff up. Luckily most of these scuffs can be cleaned/buffed off, but some cant. Other times you can have marks from whatever printing they do for the color. Part of my white bag has some red from the lining on the handle. These are the most common things that can go wrong when purchasing a fake, but I'm sure there are some unfortunate other mistakes that can occur too!
Would you buy a designer fake bag online?