High Quality Louis Vuitton Replicas Bags

Essenceofluxurys Offer Top Quality Designer Louis Vuitton Replica Bags. Best Fake LV Bags With Cheap Price.

Real vs Fake Louis Vuitton Empreinte Bumbag $300 vs $2000 How to Spot Fake LV

which one do you think is real and which
one do you think is a fake
i'm gonna let you take a second and
guess and put it in the comments
and let me know this one or this one
so if you guess this one you are right
this right here is a replica of the
louis vuitton on front bum bag
and i'm gonna put it up close
from the naked eye
you really can't tell that it's not the
real thing honestly
and let me just kind of get the
backstory of why i even have this bag so
a company bag show reached out to me
and um they reached out to me just like
other brands do and they were like hey
we have designer bags if you're
interested take a look blah blah blah
i'm like designer bags
that's up my alley so i went and looked
and i was like wait these are not real
so they had everything from louis
vuitton chanel dior hermes all the
brands on there and i was like yeah no
i'm gonna hard pass on that i'm not
wearing a fake bag
but then
my brain started turning and i'm like i
want to see how
real these fakes look
so i messaged the vendor back and i was
like hey i'm interested and i wanted to
pick a bag that i had so that i could do
a comparison so i
picked the bum bag because i had this so
this is the real louis vuitton and this
is the fake so i messaged them back i
told them what bag i wanted and they
sent it to me and it came
in a box
that says louis vuitton it's definitely
not um a real box and it kind of has
like glue residue and like you could
tell that it's not a real but it did
come with this
if you are a louis vuitton girl you know
what this is like a receipt holder it
has a piece of paper in there
and it even has like this little booklet
and you know louis vuitton doesn't do
this um
what is this like a
ziploc type of bag they don't do this
but it is it does have something in here
let me see if it says that it's really
fake and it also came with a ribbon now
this ribbon i do think is real
but it wasn't tied around the box or
anything it was just kind of thrown in
the box
so in this little booklet it says

louis vuitton outside cast leather
man-made lining and i'm not gonna lie
the the fake replica
smells like leather it does smell like
leather i do believe that it is a
leather bag like i said it is a very
good replica so i do believe that they
did use leather
and then in this booklet
yeah it's just a louis vuitton booklet
kind of gives some backstory of louis
vuitton and it's in different languages
so that is what came in the box and it
did come with a dust bag as well
so i mean the presentation was really
trying to give like real
so i
was kind of surprised when i saw it okay
it looks real it smells real but then
when i got my bag next to it i could
definitely tell so i'm going to put them
so this is the real so the
is it debossed or embossed so the deep
i'm going to say d boss the d boss
the louis vuitton the lvs and the the
flower motif
is definitely less like showy it kind of
really blends into the leather in the
real bag and on the fake it's a very
visible so it's like really stamped in
there hard and you can really see it
versus this one it's kind of like faint
you can really see it on this one like i
said this is the fake
also the d-rings
this right here this one is bigger and
it's definitely plastic
this one is smaller and it's definitely
and i can tell because of the weight of
it so this is very light and the other
one is very heavy and it's definitely a
bigger size so that is what i would say
is the dead giveaway on this bag that is
not real is the hardware because the
hardware is not leather i mean it's not
metal um i do still have the little
sticky stuff on it
let me take that off
but i mean just upon first sight like it
kind of didn't fool me but i just was
like oh it's a really nice it's a really
really nice replica
um it looks really similar
before i put it next to my bag so yeah
like i said the hardware yeah
the hardware is very light
it doesn't have any weight to it so
that's how i can tell it's plastic
and it's very very shiny

it's very very shiny and i think there
the hardware on the fake bag is just
bigger because this zipper pull is
smaller on the rear one and it's bigger
on the face so
that is another way that i can tell and
also just the overall size actually of
this bag is bigger
than this one
if you can
let me see
like this one is just slightly larger
and also
the strap
like really different
there you can see like i say all the
hardware is just bigger like this is the
original this is the fake the hardware
is smaller this one is bigger
and even the strap size
is wider
and also
it has like this
like you can see where it stops where
the leather stops i hope you can see
right there
and like louis vuitton would never do
that like that it looks very abrupt and
and even on mine i don't even think it
has that no
it's no like abrupt cut of the leather
that is the difference
the inside actually is the same
um i don't know how they did it or i
guess because this like microfiber
lining probably is not
too expensive to find so
this is the inside uh let me put the
real is going to be on this side and
fake is on this side so
i need another hand this is the fake
this is the real
mine is made it says louis vuitton pair
is made in spain this one is we was on
paris made in france
not made in france
but it really does look the same and it
feels the same on the inside like i said
this is a really nice replica
um and if you are into that that is your
prerogative like i'm not going to judge
anyone who wants to wear replica bag
it's not my thing i don't wear replicas
because i just feel like if i can't get
the real thing then i don't need to have
it it's just simple as that like i don't
want to wear a fake one i want the real
thing but if you are like i'm not
spending thousands of dollars give me
the fake
this brand or this company does really
from this bag really make some some good
replicas like i said it's called bag
show and i'll have all the details in my
but yeah it's really given
real if you don't really know what the
real one looks like or if it's not
directly next to a real one so this is
the fake again and this is the real and
the top handles
are very very like similar i think
they're really identical
if you could see that they are identical
now i know a lot of people can
decipher fake louis vuittons from real
louis vuittons by the lettering
yes i can tell
i can tell
so it's not really a big difference to
the naked eye but this one just kind of
the fake
i don't know if you could see it or not
but it just doesn't
like professional like it's kind of
faint and like the paint is kind of like
worn in some places
but on the rail it's not like that at
you can
see it clearly and i mean like really
you're probably looking at both of them
like they look the same but if you
really look up close you can tell the

like some of the letters are off like i
will say on the real
the t's are closer together and on the
fake they aren't
and even on the real the v is kind of
this one isn't it's kind of like peeling
like the lettering is kind of like
peeling a little a little bit you you
can't see it but it's kind of filling
so i mean
it's a really good a really good fake
like it's a really good face other than
the size like i said this is slightly
that is probably the biggest difference
and like while this is being bigger
everything else is bigger so all of the
hardware is bigger the strap is bigger
so if that is really the big big
other than that it's really not that big
of a big of a difference in these
these bags which is a shame because
they're really getting good at knocking
them off and it's kind of scary if you
purchase like pre-love sometimes they do
slip in replicas and they can kind of
get mixed in with the sauce and you can
end up getting a fake bag so
i know that's that's the scary part like
you think you're buying something real
and it may not be because it just looks
identical and so real so that is the
kind of scary part with this whole thing
and not to mention it is illegal to
knock off a designer's design
and call it that designer
that is illegal so those two things is
that's kind of why i just don't i'm not
really into replicas like i just and i
kind of
really love luxury so i respect the
designers i kind of know the history
behind some of the brands so it kind of
doesn't do any justice for me to have a
fake one if that makes sense
so that's just my spill on it but like i
said i do not judge if you are wearing a
fake bag export your fake bag
do you
but yeah um i just want to kind of show
you i thought this was like a fun little
video like huh
look at that
crazy and the only reason why my bag the
leather is kind of
high up on the zipper is because i've
worn it a lot so it's kind of
just permanently open so that i can
unzip but when i did get it when i first
got it was covered like that
like this
it was covered
so yeah can you spot it

it's a really good one
and like i said if you are interested to
see what other bags they have or if you
want this bag i will link everything
below i think this is like running for
maybe two or three hundred dollars i
think and that's the thing like you're
not paying like twenty dollars for a
fake bag like they are really kind of
charging some coin
but i guess because they're really
putting a lot into it like i said this
is leather
it smells like leather it feels like
um so you are getting some type of
so yeah they aren't cheap cheap but they
aren't like this bag now might be 2 000
something i paid 18
but it might be like 2 000 now so
300 versus 2 000 i mean i can understand
why you would go with this one i totally
totally get it
so yeah this is the fake
tongue twister this is the fake
louis vuitton on prompt bun bag and yes
like i said the vendor is called bag
show and i will have all of their
everything linked down below so
let me know in the comments if you was
able to spot the fake or
how you feel about it um

11 months ago

Are SUPER FAKE Louis Vuitton Bags REALLY That Good?

We take a closer look at the Louis Vuitton Neverfull and compare a real and a fake version. The counterfeit Louis Vuitton Neverfull is obvious to spot if you listen to these tips. Never be scammed into buying a replica Louis Vuitton Neverfull by watching this video. ❓Did you find this easy to spot the difference?

11 months ago


Hey yall! Today I’ll be doing a super exciting unboxing of a purse I received from Essenceofluxurys! I was so excited to receive this bag and share my honest thoughts with yall! And to my surprise, I am really impressed! Hope you enjoy! 🤗

*Website Mentioned:https://essenceluxurys.cn/

11 months ago


Hi guys! I’ve been getting loads of emails asking about sellers/websites I suggest for getting replica bags, and there are also plenty of questions about how good certain sellers are or who’s got the best quality. I totally get where they’re coming from. If you’re hunting for a perfect replica bag, you will find plenty of options out there, which can be tricky to figure out where to start. I know how frustrating it is to waste time and money on bad sellers. So I think it’s a good idea to write a post sharing my thoughts on factory and seller quality for “educational purposes”.

Before continuing: I just want to say a big thanks to all of you awesome readers out there. Your support means the world to me, and I’m thrilled to have such a dedicated bunch of followers. However, I’d like to clarify a few things: While I do my best to provide info and answer your burning questions, I’m only one person running this blog, and life can get pretty hectic. So, if I don’t get back to you right away or update my list of recommendations immediately after buying something, please cut me some slack. Writing blog posts, snapping pics, and sharing my experiences all take time. (Passionate readers are what keep me going! 🙌) Since I can’t handle every single question from everyone, I’d encourage you to explore my blog – there’s a ton of useful info in there that can probably help with 95% of your queries. But if you still have questions after reading, feel free to drop them in the blog comments. I encourage you to leave your questions on the blog so that everyone can join the discussion. You can get more help not just from me but also from others, especially when I’m not online.

WHAT’S THE PROCESS FOR GETTING THE BEST REPLICA BAGS? Set your own standards. How close to perfect does this replica bag have to be for you? Are you okay with shelling out some extra cash if it guarantees every detail is spot on? Or are you willing to trade a bit of quality for a lower price? Does service matter to you? What does “the best” actually mean in your book? Keep in mind that nothing is perfect, and a higher price doesn’t always equal a superior product. Read some reviews and have a chat with different replica designer bags suppliers to figure out which ones meet your standards the best. Buy your dream bag! WHY DOES PICKING THE RIGHT SELLER MATTER? Choosing the right replica designer bags suppliers when you’re buying replica handbags is a big deal. It affects your whole shopping experience and what you actually get for your money. Trustworthy sellers provide high-quality replica bags that look and feel like authentic ones in terms of craftsmanship and materials. If you go with the wrong seller or just dive in without doing your homework, you’re likely to end up with low-quality stuff that doesn’t look or feel right, and that’s just throwing money down the drain.

WHAT MAKES A SELLER ELIGIBLE FOR THE LIST? Good communication: I care a lot about customer service because I believe that if a seller/company takes care of its customers then it likely takes pride in the quality of its products. I just don’t understand why certain sellers can’t or don’t want to communicate clearly. Highly professional: There are sellers who don’t seem to know much about bags at all. It’s not a big deal for beginners, but I can be a bit picky. I like to throw some pretty advanced questions their way, like: What is the exterior/lining material of this replica bag? Are there options for handcrafted bags, and how do they differ? Does its interior structure meet my organizational needs? If they can’t answer those, I get the feeling they’re not all that professional. Upfront & honest: I don’t mind waiting for a special order bag, even if it takes several months – really, I don’t. But don’t lie to me it’s going to be here in just two weeks. I don’t like sellers who talk big but can’t deliver. It’s understandable if it happens once, but if it’s a recurring thing, it’s time to say goodbye. You can rest assured that scammers who disappear after taking money will never make it onto my list. Likewise, those who boast about selling high-quality items but actually offer mid or low-tier stuff will also be considered scammers in my book. Multiple mentions by many (readers): If a seller has been repeatedly mentioned and highly praised by readers on my blog, I definitely pay attention. But to make sure it’s not just hype, I put it to the test myself: When a seller has a good reputation but is new to me, I still play it safe. I start with a small item, like a wallet or a mini bag (they’re relatively cheaper, so even if things go south, I don’t lose much). I strongly recommend you do the same, even if it’s a seller I’ve recommended. After all, it’s your hard-earned cash, and you should be accountable for it.

WHERE DO I BUY DESIGNER BAGS REPLICA? Presently, I don’t shop on IOffer, Aliexpress, or social media because I have been burned through them (as have a lot of other blog readers) and they are really hit or miss. I prefer to go after websites or individual dealers where I can establish a relationship with one specific replica seller (or a few) and have a good sense that I will get a good quality product every time. Even though I have my go-to sellers now, I still enjoy discovering more excellent replica designer bags suppliers. If you have any sites to recommend please comment below or email me and send a review (DON’T FROGET PICS)! Having more options is always a good thing, but it’s not like I want to try each one out myself. Having your experiences as a reference helps avoid some pitfalls.

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We offer 100% identical Louis Vuitton handbags, Louis Vuitton replica bags.

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